[Free.W2uW] Science Colonialism and Indigenous Peoples The Cultural Politics of Law and Knowledge
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Book Details :
Published on: 2009-08-24
Released on: 2009-08-24
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At the intersection of indigenous studies, science studies, and legal studies lies a tense web of political issues of vital concern for the survival of indigenous nations. Numerous historians of science have documented the vital role of late-eighteenth- and nineteenth-century science as a part of statecraft, a means of extending empire. This book follows imperialism into the present, demonstrating how pursuit of knowledge of the natural world impacts, and is impacted by, indigenous peoples rather than nation-states. In extractive biocolonialism, the valued genetic resources, and associated agricultural and medicinal knowledge, of indigenous peoples are sought, legally converted into private intellectual property, transformed into commodities, and then placed for sale in genetic marketplaces. Science, Colonialism, and Indigenous Peoples critically examines these developments, demonstrating how contemporary relations between indigenous and Western knowledge systems continue to be shaped by the dynamics of power, the politics of property, and the apologetics of law. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data. Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. People to people nation to nation: Highlights from the report of the Colonialism - Wikipedia Colonialism is the establishment of a colony in one territory by a political power from another territory and the subsequent maintenance expansion and exploitation ... UN News Centre - United Nations United Nations News Centre with breaking news from the UN News Service Frantz Fanon Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Frantz Fanon was one of a few extraordinary thinkers supporting the decolonization struggles occurring after World War II and he remains among the most widely read ... The Scots-Irish as indigenous people - Gene Expression A fascinating comment below: In traveling across America the Scots Irish have consistently blown my mind as far and away the most persistent and unchanging regional ... Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church - vatican.va COMPENDIUM OF THE SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH . INTRODUCTION. AN INTEGRAL AND SOLIDARY HUMANISM. a. At the dawn of the Third Millennium. 1. The Church moves further ... Macmillan - Distinguished & Award Winning Global Publisher ... Icehenge By Kim Stanley Robinson. An early novel from Science Fiction legend Kim Stanley Robinson now available for the first time in... Anthropology - Wikipedia Anthropology is the study of various aspects of humans within past and present societies. Social anthropology and cultural anthropology study the norms and values of ... Aboriginal Faculty Members Aboriginal Portal UBC has a growing number of Aboriginal faculty members across disciplines at the Vancouver campus. These faculty members are actively involved in research teaching ... The People's Cube - Political Humor & Satire The People's Cube brings you glorious political humor satire and correct opinions for progressive liberals from the original Party Organ of Record
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