[Download.W5D4] Rural Landscapes and Agricultural Policies in Europe
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Published on: 2009-10-29
Released on: 2009-10-29
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These are the final results and reflections of the project MEA-Scope. This project with the full title “Micro-economic instruments for impact assessment of multifunctional agriculture to implement the model of European Agriculture” was a pioneering project. It was among the first which were funded in the new activity Scientific Support to Policies of the th 6 Research Framework Programme. Policy decisions – especially at the European level – are never easy. What policy-makers decide will potentially affect the lives of millions of people for many years. This makes reaching informed decisions crucial, and scientific research can help illuminate their policy choices. MEA-Scope was one of two projects which addressed the research p- orities for European Rural areas which were identified in an EC workshop on Multifunctionality in Agriculture in 2001. Scientific Support to Policies in the Research Framework Programme is facing the challenge to identify in the discussions between policy makers and the research community those topics which can be addressed in a m- term strategic research programme. When the research topic was published Multifunctionality of Agriculture was among the concepts with many - search questions open. It was considered that positivistic approaches into technology aspects of agriculture, forestry and other rural activities based on natural resources and land use are needed, as well as more normative research with regard to trade, food quality and safety, animal welfare, en- ronment, rural development and cultural issues. Cork 2.0 Declaration 2016: A Better Life in Rural Areas CORK 2.0 DECLARATION 2016 1 A Better Life in Rural Areas Considerations Having met at Cork Ireland from 5th to 6th September 2016 Building on the 1996 Cork ... A Design Guide for Rural Northern Ireland - Planning Forests and Woodland . Northern Ireland has been described as one of the least forested parts of Europe. Forests are rare outside the large estates and tend to be ... European Milk Board: Fair Milk Fair Milk is a European project . Together with its members the European Milk Board draws attention to the necessity for fair milk prices through campaigns organised ... Rural Development policy 2007-2013 - Agriculture and rural ... Why have a rural development policy? The European Union has an active rural development policy because this helps us to achieve valuable goals for our countryside and ... Rural settlement - definition of Rural settlement by The ... rural (roorl) adj. 1. Of relating to or characteristic of the country. 2. Of or relating to people who live in the country: rural households. 3. Of or ... Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - Europa European Commission. MEMO. Brussels 26 June 2013. The common agricultural policy (CAP) and agriculture in Europe Frequently asked questions. Farming in Europe ... Common Agricultural Policy - Wikipedia The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the agricultural policy of the European Union. It implements a system of agricultural subsidies and other programmes. Agricultural policy in South Africa - nda.agric.za 1.1 AGRICULTURAL POLICY IN PERSPECTIVE. The development of agriculture in South Africa is often viewed solely as the technical advance in this century particularly ... AgEcon Search: Items for Subject Date Title Author View/Download ; 15-Dec-2016 : Monte-Carlo Simulation and Stochastic Programming in Real Options Valuation: the Case of Perennial Energy Crop Cultivation Global food security biodiversity conservation and the ... Abstract. Under the current scenario of rapid human population increase achieving efficient and productive agricultural land use while conserving biodiversity is a ...
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